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Man suffering from multiple symtomps

Do you suffer from?

Take Control.
Let's get to the bottom of it!


ADS Vitality Testimonials: Mark's Story
Do you relate to Mark's story?

Meet Mark, a successful businessman who's always been in control of his life. Entering his mid-fifties, he started to notice some changes in his body that couldn't be ignored. Despite his hectic schedule and frequent business trips, Mark always managed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But lately, he was eating unhealthily, skipping meals, and struggling to find the time to exercise. His energy levels have plummeted, and he' was finding it hard to keep up with his demanding career. To make matters worse, Mark has noticed some unwanted changes in his body. He's started to gain weight in places he never used to, and his digestion is no longer as reliable as it once was. It was all becoming too much to handle, and he was finding it hard to concentrate on his work. Mark used to be able to bounce back from anything, but now he found himself struggling to recover from even the smallest setbacks. He was  constantly tired and had trouble sleeping, and his confidence has taken a hit. He's started to worry that he would not be attractive any longer. The thought of ageing is becoming increasingly daunting.

These physical and psychological changes are starting to impact Mark's personal life as well.

He found it hard to be present in social situations and startedto avoid family gatherings. It is not the kind of life Mark wants for himself, but he was not sure where to turn for help.

​That was when Mark discovered my services. With my help, Mark is able to develop a personalized plan that addresses all of his health concerns. He is making healthier choices, including eating a balanced diet and incorporating exercise into his daily routine. He learned techniques to manage his stress levels and get better sleep, and before he knew it, he was feeling more like his old self again.

​Mark's confidence is growing, and he feels more attractive and in control of his life once more. He is able to reconnect with friends and family and is more productive at work. 

Tackle the real causes of your symptoms

Feed up with all the diets out there?
Metabolic syndromes are ruling your life
Suffering from bloating, constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, hemorrhoids, abdominal discomfort, or just a general feeling of “blah"
Frustrated that “intuitive eating” isn’t doing it for you
Bad quality of sleep and feeling exhaustion and other bed issues
Disappointed in your doctor saying “Your symptoms are not a big deal
The more you read about health, the more confused you get
It isn't your fault how you feel!
Take action now!
It's time to take back control of your well-being
Adriano can help you with that
Confront the obstacles and regain your self-confidence
Feel much better again!
Let's get to the bottom of it!
Adriano dos Santos Integrative Medicine Nutrition | Nutrition Coaching Plan
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