Our skin is the largest organ we have and through our skin we absorb lots of substances including, nutrients and toxines too. To get a gloomy and vibrant skin, you got start from inside, feeding your digestive system (our gut) with lots of vegetables, fruit, fibers, good fats and some protein. Avoiding sugar, sweeteners, corn/soya products, alcohol, dairies and gluten.
But we forget that using too much industrialised comestic products, such as shampoos, creams, and skin cleansers can trouble our whole systeem too, creating chemical responses in our gut that impact in how our skin look like. After reading the book of "Robynne Chutkan" a renowned gastroenterologist in USA who is specialised in gut health and natural treatments to get a better digestive system and health. She gives away some tips in how we can prepare our own moisturisers and skin cleansers that are amazing. I couldn't foget to share it with you all. Scrub for fatty skin
2 tbsp pure honey
1 tsp oats
1 tsp corn flour
1/2 tsp lemon juice
Scrub for dry skin
2 tbsp pure honey
1 tbsp fresh ripped papaya
1 tbsp oats
Body Exfoliant and moisturiser
3 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp brouw sugar
2 tbsp pure honey
1 tbsp vanille extract
I hope you all enjoy it and see the results of our mother nature in our health and ultimately in our skin too.
Regards, Adriano