Melatonin is a hormone that your brain produces as a response to darkness. 🌃 
It helps with maintaining and keeping the healthy circadian rhythm (24-hour internal clock) and with the quality of your sleep overall. 😴 
👉 Being exposed to the source of light at night can block the melatonin production. 
Here is the list of some scientific facts known about Melatonin: 
👉 Stops the excess secretion of cortisol, which is released in response to stress 
👉 Improves carbohydrate metabolism 
👉 Lowers triglyceride levels 
👉 Decreases the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) 
👉 Heightens the immune response (cellular and metabolic) 
👉 Decreases the development of certain tumours  
👉 Activates a neuroprotective role in the brain 
👉 Increases REM sleep (dream sleep) 
👉 Stimulates free radical scavenging (anti-aging, antioxidant) 
👉 Promotes DNA reparation and replication 